Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The One True Source Of Freedom

What is the futile life Jesus redeems us from? What is the only thing God will accept as payment for sin? Watch to appreciate God's grace even more.

Revelation Short 94

Revelation Short 94: We talk about the "Mark of the Beast". Pastor answers the question, "Can you take the mark of and still be redeemed?"

Revelation Short 93

Revelation Short 93: We begin to look at the various vies of how to discover the person of the Antichrist and what his mark is.

Revelation Short 92

Revelation Short 92: Another must message. How great is the devil's power of deception?

Revelation Short 91

Revelation Short 91: Can Satan perform miracles? Listen to this message. It is a must!

Revelation Short 90

Revelation Short 90: Today we talk about the beautiful side of evil.

Revelation Short 89

Revelation Short 89: We talk about the character of the False Prophet. Do we know what his ethnicity is?

The Good Hand of God

Would you like God's good hand on your life? This message tells you how to make that happen and what it looks like when His hand is on you.

Revelation Short 88

Revelation Short 88: Last week we talked about the Antichrist. Today, we will talk about his sinister sidekick, the false prophet.

Revelation Short 87

Revelation Short 87: Here are a few lessons we can learn from our studies this week.

Revelation Short 86

Revelation Short 86: Do we see signs of globalism today? Are things falling into place like the Bible predicted?

Revelation Short 85

Revelation Short 85: Today we look at the final great apostasy. We continue to look at the Antichrist as a person and not a system.

Welcome To Pentecost part 2

What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and is it for today? What is it for? These questions and more are answered in this message.

Revelation Short 84

Revelation Short 84: Does the Antichrist really die? is he resurrected? Listen to this episode to find out as we continue to look at the biography of the beast.

Revelation Short 83

Revelation Short 83 - "Will the Antichrist be Jewish? If not, what nationality will he be?"

Welcome To Pentecost

In this message, Pastor describes Pentecost by looking at the Jewish festivals in context and explains why Pentecost is an era of time. It is for today!

Revelation Short 82

Revelation Short 82 - "Will the Antichrist be a Muslim?"

Revelation Short 81

Revelation Short 81 - "The Biography of the Beast". We start the Antichrist chapter of the Bible.

Revelation Short 80

Revelation Short 80 - This message explains why the world hates Israel.