Sunday, September 29, 2019

Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gift Part 2

In this message, I teach us how to best use our gifts and how to cultivate and grow them.

Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gift Part 1

If you are a child of God you are gifted.  In Part 1, I lay the foundation for discovering your gift.  Join us for an exciting journey into spiritual gifts.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Sealing Ministry Of The Holy Spirit

One of the forgotten ministries of the Holy Spirit, who some people call the forgotten God, is His sealing ministry.  First of all, a seal means "finality."  It means the transaction is done.  Secondly, a seal means "security."  It means the transaction is safe.  And, thirdly, a seal means "identity."  It shows to whom the transaction has been delivered.  It stands for authenticity.  The Holy Spirit is God's seal on us.