Sunday, February 21, 2021

Shake Off The Snakes

Paul had to shake off a snake that was clinging to him. There were other "snakes" clinging to him, as well. These are the same "snakes" that like to cling to us as well. Listen to this message and shake off some snakes.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Maid From Moab And The Bachelor From Bethlehem

This is a beautiful story of love and redemption. Listen to see how it applies to you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Handwriting On The Wall

Is the handwriting on the wall for America? Is God judging America? Are we experiencing His wrath? These are questions many people are asking today. Judge for yourself as I share a message of what happened many years ago and apply what happened then to today.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Two Anointed Ones

During the Great Tribulation, Satan will use two men - the Antichrist and the false prophet - to carry out his evil agenda. At the same time, God will raise up two bright lights to shine for Him in the darkness. These two witnesses are a reminder that even in the worst of times God does not leave Himself without witnesses. God's witnesses today are His three Temples. Explore these Temples in this message.