Friday, April 19, 2013

The Whisper Theory Book Review

I was looking for a book to read for my booksneeze book review.  I saw "Whisper Theory" by Amber Albee Swenson.  I thought it sounded good even though there were no reviews for it on the booksneeze website.

The book wasn't what I thought it would be but I read in fairly quickly and it kept my attention so much so that I wanted to skip every other chapter.  Let me explain: The layout of the book is chapter of the novel and then a chapter of Bible Study concerning the topics just covered in the fictional chapter of that book.I wanted to skip the Bible Study.  But the Bible studies were real good.  They absolutely need to be read with the book especially for those who struggle with some of the things the characters in the book did.

I am not use to reading about some of the things these young people did, but I realize there is a struggle for young people in these areas: For example drinking, obedience and honoring parents (even for college students), and sexual drives.

I reccommend the book highly for college students and even those in high school.  I recommend the book for parents who want to be able to talk to their teens and young adults about these issues.  They will be able to clearly relate biblical principles to them.

The book is about a girl named Meghan.  She moves in with two nonChristians. One is a man and one is a woman.  She finds herself breaking her rules more than she is keeping them.  She falls in love with her roomate Jeff.  Then the is a murder in their apartment building which brings in an element of suspense.  Another murder takes place and Meghan discovers what true love and friendship is all about.  Most importanly she decides if she is going to follow God or not.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Stress Test Book Review

Richard Mabry just keeps getting better and better.  This is a fast moving book that grabbed my attention right off and never let go. I wish that I could have read the whole book right through but alas I had to put it down to eat and sleep. I have read all of Richard Mabry's fictional medical mystery books.

Stress Test is the story of Dr. Matt Newman. Dr. Newman just about has his life on track with a quieter professional position and a love interest that is headed in the direction of marriage. That is until he is kidnapped in a parking garage in the middle of the night. Suddenly he finds himself in ICU and is being charged for murder. He is later accused of another murder and is kitnapped again.

Can his beautiful red-headed attorney prove his innocence? Will they figure out who is trying to frame Matt? Will he ever get his life back?

This book contains all the elements I have come to enjoy: medical, legal, and mystery. I am not an expert on medicine or law, but did not have to be to enjoy this book without getting bogged down in medicine or law that was over my head.

The only negative in the book as far as I was concerned was that I thought the author was against law abiding citizens owning guns.  This is a hot topic right now and I stand very strongly on our Second Amendment right to bear arms.  In the way the story in the book played out it was good to get rid of the handgun he acquired, but I don't think that is always a good thing to do.

Anyway, Dr. Matt Newman survived his stress test, can you survive the stress of reading this thriller? You will have to read it to see.