Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Christian Citizen and His Righteousness

The first in a series on "The Biblical Theology of Citizenship". This first message looks at the Christian and his righteousness. Since righteousness exalts a nation, the most patriotic thing you can do is be righteous.

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Born Identity

The believer's identity is found in Jesus Christ the living stone. Jesus is the cornerstone and His people are living stones built together to make a holy habitation. There are those do not believe in Him and the result is that they stumble. Find your life and true identity in Jesus Christ.

Revelation Short 99

Revelation Short 99: Technology Part 2 - What is the real reason behind universal health care, immigration, rewriting history books, etc.?

Revelation Short 98

Revelation Short 98: Technology Part 1 - How is technology setting the stage for a one world government? Could a simple thing like a tattoo be the Mark of the Beast"?

Revelation Short 97

Revelation Short 97: Are we living on a prison planet? Don't kid yourself, you are being tracked. All of this is necessary for the coming New World Order.

The One True Source of Freedom part 2

There is power in the cross and the blood that Jesus shed there. Also, there have been many big name ministers who have fallen into sin recently. Should this shock us? What can we do to protect ourselves? Listen and be empowered.

Revelation Short 96

Revelation Short 96: In this episode we talk about digital global currency and surveillance.

Revelation Short 95

Revelation Short 95: There is a coming global economy. What we see happening now is what the Bible predicted. There are many sign staging events happening before our eyes.