Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Christian Citizen and His Liberty

How should the Christian use his or her liberty? We should use it to serve God and others. The best thing we can do is understand our times and pray for all men, but especially those in authority. This message demonstrates God's power in answer to prayer again and again in American history.

Revelation Short 111

Revelation Short 111 - Our response to the Lamb determines our destiny.

Revelation Short 110

Revelation Short 110 - God is great. God is good. God is glorious.

Revelation Short 109

Revelation Short 109 - Introducing Revelation chapter 15. We look at parallels between this passage and the exodus of Israel from Egypt.

Revelation Short 108

Revelation Short 108 - Two agricultural scenes are before us. The grain harvest and the grape harvest. Both speak about judgement.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Why the Pulpit Must Remain Free

What is God's answer to corrupt leaders who abuse their power? What is God's answer to national sin? We can learn from an Old Testament example and make American applications.

Revelation Short 107

Revelation Short 107 - This is the final call to repent. God, because He is Creator, has the right to judge His creation. Put your faith in Jesus. We also learn about the destruction of Babylon. And we learn about the delight of heaven.

Revelation Short 106

Revelation Short 106 - Revelation 14 is a sobering passage that talks about coming attractions. The only thing that can deliver us from an eternal hell is an eternal gospel.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Revelation Short 105

Revelation Short 105 - If we want to be victorious, we need to be pursuing God.

The Christian Citizen and his Relationship to his Government

"The Biblical Theology of Citizenship Series - Part 3" Many people think we have to submit to all authority no matter what. Is this true? Is there ever a time we disobey the government? Watch to find out what your responsibility to your government is.

Revelation Short 104

Revelation Short 104 - Because we are purchased and protected, we need to be praising God. Purity is a powerful dynamic in the Christian life.

Revelation Short 103

Revelation Short 103 - The work of God is to protect and seal His own.

The Bible Made America

"The Biblical Theology of Citizenship Series - Part 2" This message talks about the importance of the Bible in shaping America into what made it great.

Revelation Short 102

Revelation Short 102 - There will be those who triumph in the Tribulation. We can learn from them how to triumph in our time.

Revelation Short 101

Revelation Short 101 - Christ is going to set up His Kingdom and what a contrast that will be to the future Antichrist kingdom.

Revelation Short 100

Revelation Short 100 - Join us today for this special 100th Revelation Short! Could social credit scores be in the future? Even for Americans? Technology has caught up to what the Bible has predicted.

Be All That You Can Be (How to be the best church member)

God wants every believer to be actively serving Him in the local church. This message examines Romans 12 and lays out the steps on how to be the best member you can be. Pastor Josh Mannon