Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Joel 2:17 (KJV) Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?
This is a day of weeping.  Yes, I know that God has everything under control.  Yes, I know that we need to keep our eyes on Him and not our circumstances.  Yes I know that Jesus is still King.  At the same time I weep for America.  I weep because I am afraid that America has turned a corner so fast that we will crash and there is no going back.
Why do I weep for America?  Because America has invited God's judgment on herself.  America has turned her back on God's Word and don't be deceived, God will not be mocked. Israel wanted a king instead of God to rule over them and they got anarchy because King Saul disobeyed the word of the Lord.  This is what our president and nation is doing. Anarchy allowed the enemies of Israel to win over them.
We have states approving sodomite marriages. Our President openly approves this.
We have states legalizing the recreational use of marijuna. 
We have one state (too close to call at this moment) who is consider physician assisted suicides. 
I weep for the millions of babies that will be aborted.  Liberal judges will be appointed who are not pro-life.  This will make it impossible to change Roe Vs Wade for many many years, possibly forever. How long will God stand by and watch the shedding of inocent blood? 
I weep because the American constitution will become null and void.  Liberal judges will be appointed who have no regard for the constitution.
I weep because there is no evidence of another Great Awakening.  I have been praying for another one, but we are falling harder asleep than ever.  We are more liberal and ungodly than I thought. 
I have been praying, but now I am weeping.  Doug Small said something to the effect that we have a great prayer movement but we still don't have revival.  The one thing lacking is a deep grieving and humility over our sins.  Maybe we will have this now.  I know my grief is stronger today than yesterday.
I love the song, "Days Of Elijah" but I think rather these are the "Days of Noah".
Matthew 24:38 (KJV) For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark.
I am going to start using this blog to prepare us to endure hardness as a good soldier, to prepare us for the end times, and to get ready a people prepared to meet the Lord. I welcome you to join me.


  1. Are we being like Israel when we look to the federal government to solve our nations problems instead of looking to God? Why do we look to our president like Israel did to their king? Why do we expect our government to bless Israel when we should be doing that? Why do we expect the government to stop evil when we should be fighting it?

  2. I am not looking to the Federal Government to solve our problems. I have said repeatedly that Jesus is the only answer. However, our nation was founded on Christian princiles and we are getting far from them. We are electing officials and passing laws that go against the principles of God's Word. I am not looking to the president, but I want a president who upholds the morality of God. I know nobody will be perfect. As far as blessing Israel, individuals and nations need to bless Israel if they want to be blessed. All nations will be judged that try to divide God's Land (Joel 3:2). The Sheep/Goat judgment is the judgment of nations (Matthew 5:31-32). The basis of this judgment is how the nations treated God's people. The responsiblity of the govenment according to Romans 13 is to punish evil and praise good. Yes, you are right, individual Christians need to be fighting it also.
