Tuesday, May 23, 2017

John Wesley's Conversion

On this day (May 24) in history 1738, John Wesley was converted.  He later described it like this: "I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation; and an assurance was given to me that he had taken away my sins, even mine.”

The events leading up to his conversion were significant.  He was on board a ship with a group of Moravians.  They were holding a worship service when a terrible storm him.  John was very much afraid but the Moravians never missed a note. They were completely at peace.  Even the children were unafraid. This impacted John greatly.  When he was back in England he attended a Moravian meeting.  It was there he came to faith.

Wesley became a famous evangelist and social reformer, with the world as his parish. But he himself was won to Christ by the power of a small group whose commitment to Christ was strong enough to keep them unflappable in a storm.

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